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Ojore Bushfan, LMFT

Sound Healing Pratitioner

A little about me...

Ojore Lateef Bushfan, a San Diego native, practices sound healing locally. He obtained a Level 1 Practitioner of Sound Healing Certification from Yoga with Shawna and the Sound Healing Academy. Currently, he is pursuing a Level 2 certification in Practitioner of Sound Healing for 1-2-1 and Groups through the Sound Healing Academy. He takes pleasure in introducing individuals to the advantages of sound frequencies, which are recognized for their ability to release energetic, emotional, and mental obstacles, chronic stress, and tension, as well as aiding in restoration. Ojore proudly participates in the Collective, offering monthly sound healing sessions in the San Diego region. He facilitates sound healing because sound healing connected him and continues to show him how it can be used, in various forms, to help people heal (whatever that means for each person).

Ojore Bushfan, LMFT

My Why...

Sound healing came to me in the form of recorded sound frequencies. I worked with a somatic psychotherapist who would play Johnathan Goldman’s De-stress album; the sounds would take me on an emotional and visual ride. I often experienced and released various emotions, came into further insight that developed in session, or seen colors as if my mind was caught in a scene from Disney’s Fantasia. I had no idea that sound could have such an effect on me but I thoroughly enjoyed how I felt after each session. It was an enjoyable way to release the energy, thoughts, and emotions from the session.
I facilitate sound healing because sound healing connected with me and shown me how it has been used, in various forms, to help people heal (whatever that means for each person). I truly love sharing this ancient/indigenous practice that uses sounds and vibrations to help restore physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. I also love hearing participants’ experiences; participants go on a journey that’s guided by my intention to play for their highest good and their own intention for change/healing. When participants share their experience, I am reminded of effective sound healing can be. I am honored that sound healing has chosen to work through me to be of service for individuals, groups, and communities.

Why I choose to be a part of the Collective...

I choose to work with the Collective because it is within the Collective that I have found a place where I can collaborate and co-create with likeminded folks who use their gifts to service others. Prior to joining the Collective, I volunteered to provide sound healing with a group of sound healing practitioners. At some point, I experienced a lack of collaboration. It felt like we all showed up and played various instruments without any rhyme or reason to why we played what we played. I began feeling the desire to be a part of a group that collaborated and thought about what they were doing. I began talking about what I wanted; each time someone would ask me about sound healing, I would verbalize that I wanted to be a part of a group of sound healers that worked together to be of service of others. As you can see, the universe responded to my request. Since joining the Collective, I have found the group of practitioners I was looking to work with. Within the Collective, I have experienced room to collaborate and be creative, to have my ideas supported and support the ideas of my co-creators. I experience myself growing as a sound healing practitioner; with love, support, and kind nudges, I have been invited to grow in areas that I wasn’t too skilled or confident. And I have been able to bring creative ideas to the Collective for feedback and have been able to try them out. There is a family-connection that has been developed over the years and an unwavering amount of support within the Collective that brings out the best in us individually and collectively. I continue to choose to work with the Collective because we genuinely hold space for folks to do the inner work they are choosing to do; in a way that is accessible and unique to each experience. And we’re family…

My Vision for the Future of the Collective...

My vision for the future of the Collective is to continue to create a welcoming and protected space for folks to do their energetic work. I would like to see the Collective offer sessions that include additional ways sound healing can be helpful for wellness (i.e., healing the nervous system; healing the energy of depression/low energy; healing the energy of anxiety/fear/worry/high energy; using sound healing to increase creativity and motivation; intro to meditation; and to continue to brainstorm ways to offering sound healing in a unique way. And, I would like to see Providence Healing and the Collective continue to grow its community.

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