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Mary Jones

RN & Sound Healing Practitioner utilizing Light Language both sung and spoken along with energy healing

A little about me...

Mary Jones is an RN, Reiki Master, and holds Doctorate degrees in Metaphysical Healing and Metaphysics with more than 15 years of experience in guiding individuals towards holistic wellbeing and self empowerment.

She has been offering Light Language healing in the form of Heartsong healing concerts, group and individual sessions internationally since 2008

Mary sings and speaks  in Light languages that change in the moment to accommodate the person or people she is singing for, she also is doing energy work on a multidimensional level. 

This is a co-creation of sacred space between you, with Source/God/Holy Spirit, and your Higher Self.

This is your personal experience you create as you bring in your intent.

She acts as the conduit and the space holder. What happens in that space has varied widely, from deep relaxation, opening and aligning of the Heart and Crown Chakras, DNA downloads, awakening cellular memory, light body activation, physical healings, past life healings, messages that people can understand but cannot give a word for word translation, the experiences vary widely. All feel a deep sense of receiving blessing, relaxation and peace.

Mary Jones

My Why...

I was born and raised in California.

When I was a little girl, I used to climb a big beautiful Birch tree and sing to the sky and sun.

I laugh at myself when I remember that I decided if I went all the way to the top of the tree, no one would be able to hear me….

I had a very difficult childhood, and being very sensitive, there were many challenges going through my teenage years. I never felt I fit in, feeling different than others.
It was during this time I had a profound Spiritual experience and was able to speak in a beautiful Divine language.

It felt like visiting “Home”, I felt profound peace and love beyond words to describe.

I would use this during meditation and prayer. At that time I had no idea what else to do with it.

As time passed working as a nurse, I raised my sons, went through many life changes, divorce, and relocating to North San Diego.

Around 1997, I asked Spirit for assistance, knowing there is more for me to accomplish in this lifetime, and that I wanted to reach my full potential to facilitate the best and highest good of all.

As a result my whole life went through major changes.

Many synchronicities and opportunities presented themselves.

I asked myself what gifts do I have to offer, and I remembered my Light Language. Over time I followed my inner guidance and my heart, expanding my understanding of what my gift was and Heartsong evolved.

And as a nurse and offering Heartsong I have a “foot in both worlds”.

Why I choose to be a part of the Collective...

Each member of this collective brings their gifts and expertise with a beautiful heart centered intent and integrity.

It is this coming from the heart not only for their clients but also honoring each other’s contributions that makes me feel honored to be a member.

What we bring together is a holistic, complementary synergy, greater than the sum of the parts.

We offer several ways people can help themselves, offering many opportunities for “the key to fit the lock” in their journey to self healing and alignment with their highest good.

My Vision for the Future of the Collective...

I see us continuing to be of service, in a beautifully complementary way, from the heart. Expanding and evolving as individual healing facilitators and also as a collaborative team with excellence and integrity.

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